Medical evacuation

When you are on holiday or travelling on business, emergency evacuation might not be at the front of your mind. However, if you suffer a critical injury or develop an acute, life-threatening illness outside of your country of residence, you may require medical evacuation – or medevac, for short. 

Evacuation is not the same as medical repatriation.

When is medical evacuation necessary?

If you suffer a critical injury or contract a life-threatening illness while travelling abroad, you may require medical evacuation. This is primarily indicated when the nearest healthcare institution lacks the medical resources required to treat you – including either a lack of expertise, a lack of equipment, or both. You will then be transported to the nearest institution with the requisite expertise and resources.

It is important to ensure that your travel insurance or health insurance covers medevac services, especially if you are travelling to remote regions or developing countries.


With our tariffs you have world-wide travel coverage. The Expat Tariff covers you up to two months annually outside the EU and in our Premium Economy-, Business- or First Class Tariffs you will be covered up to six months annually outside the EU.

If you move away from Germany, you will not need German health insurance anymore.

Of course! Through our ottonova Concierge Service we can book appointments for you. You just easily write us a message with your requirements, and we will find the best option for you.

As a private patient with ottonova you can go to any doctor of your choice. For dental treatments i.e implants or crowns (Zahnersatz) we provide a higher coverage if you choose a dentist from our ottonova network.

ottonova for Expats.

Saving on health insurance and still getting the best coverage isn’t possible? With signing in for ottonova you can make it happen!

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