Expat Guide

Moving abroad can be challenging. Let us make it easy for you: Get to know the German healthcare system and find out how you can make the most of your time as an expat in Germany.

Expat Wiki

New to Germany and trying to find out how health insurance works? Having questions? Here are the answers.

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Incoming insurance Germany

Incoming insurance Germany

When visiting Germany, having the right health insurance is essential. Incoming insurance in Germany offers coverage for expats, tourists, business travelers, and students, protecting you against medical emergencies, illnesses, and accidents. This insurance is a legal requirement for visas and residence permits, ensuring you have access to necessary medical care during your stay. Read everything you need to know in this article.

backdating health insurance

Backdating in health insurance

With backdating, private health insurance brings forward the start of insurance. You can find out when this is useful at ottonova.

cancel private health insurance

cancel private health insurance

Private health insurance can be canceled with a notice period of 3 months. Everything about important deadlines and special reasons for canceling here in the guide.


What is rooming-in?

Sick kids need support. Thanks to supplementary hospital insurance with rooming-in, you can accompany your child to hospital.

No Claim Bonus in private health insurance

No Claim Bonus

A no-claim bonus is a feature that rewards you for not filing any health insurance claims in a policy year by receiving a portion of your annual premium back. Our guide breaks down how this bonus works.

Germany Visa from USA

Guide: Germany Visa from USA

How to obtain a Germany Visa from USA - tips, process and visa fees

Germany visa from UK

Guide: Germany Visa from UK

How to obtain a Germany visa from UK - Tips, process and visa fees

Germany Visa for Indians

Guide: Germany Visa for Indians

How to get a Germany Visa from India - Tips, process and visa fees

Expat survey

Expat survey: Is Germany too cold and unfriendly?

We asked expats in Germany about their job and social life satisfaction and biggest hurdles in Germany. They were also asked about their job and how long they plan to stay. In this article, we summarize the survey results and provide insights into the development and characteristics of the expat population in Germany, as well as their working and living conditions.

unpaid leave work desk

Unpaid Leave Germany: A Comprehensive Guide to Employee Rights

Unpaid leave in Germany offers employees the opportunity to take time off work for various reasons without receiving regular salary. It allows for flexibility in managing personal and family needs, ensuring a healthy work-life balance.

Student Residence Work desk

Student Residence Permit Germany: A Guide for International Students

If you want to study in Germany, obtain a student visa or residence permit, or ensure a smooth and legal stay in the country - a guide for International Students! Find all the important information here!

woman doing business

How to Start a Business in Germany

When starting a small business in Germany, it is important to understand the legal and administrative requirements. Find all the important information here!

pharmacy in Germany

Pharmacies & Medicine in Germany

German pharmacies play a crucial role in providing prescription medication and non-prescription drugs. Find out how pharmacies work and how to get medicine in Germany!


Health insurance Germany in unemployment

What happens to your German health insurance if you become unemployed? Can you remain insured and can you stay in your private health insurance? Find all the information here!

Social Security in Germany

Social Security in Germany

How does the Social Security System in Germany work? What parts does it have? Find all the important information here!

German payslip explained

German payslip explained

A payslip — or Lohnabrechnung in German — shows you how your wages or salary is structured. Find every detail about your German payslip explained in our article!

Child sickness benefit Germany

Child sickness benefit Germany

Your child is sick, and you are at home? We explain whether you receive child sickness benefit from your health insurance or whether you continue to receive pay when you care for a sick child and can't work.

Preventive care in private health insurance

Preventive care in private health insurance

More than 40% of Germans avoid preventive health care. But these examinations make a lot of sense! We explain which treatments are worthwhile at what age and what distinguishes preventive examinations in private health insurance from public treatments.